Our curriculum intent is encompassed in our statement, ‘Desire to learn, learn to achieve’. We intend that our children have the very best quality education which fuels their desire to learn and gives them the tools they need to transform their lives. We intend that all children, regardless of their starting points, are enabled to achieve their very best which in turn builds confidence and raises aspiration. Our intent is to support the development of each child through a varied and progressive curriculum accessible to all. Underpinned with the explicit teaching of language acquisition, reading and enriching experiences, our curriculum opens up the world for our children and drives their desire to continue to learn and achieve. #transforminglives
Our Curriculum
Star Academy uses the National Curriculum as it’s basis for the programmes of study it delivers. The knowledge and skills are implemented through a comprehensive and sequential schemata.
There is a strong belief in teaching in detail and depth on any one topic (resulting in a blocked subject/concept approach) in order to secure pupils knowledge and allow logical application and skill development. Each cycle has a well thought out constructed sequence with each block leading logically into the next steps in learning this ensures that links and natural synaptic associations are created.
Medium term plans set out the aims to be implemented and evaluate against those expectations. Professional autonomy is given to the interpretation and teaching opportunities taken from these.
Subject blocks/concept include cultural opportunities to study famous people and their works, visit cultural, historical and spiritual places and experience/practice cultural activities.
All pupils will experience external visits, educators and a curriculum that immerses them in the wider community
The Wider Curriculum is supported through structured and well-sequence approaches. We use the following resources to support the teaching and learning:
English Vocabulary Building
- Word Aware
English Reading
- Early Years – Little Wandle Phonics
- Collins Big Cats Letters and Sounds books and e – books
- KS2 – Reciprocal read approach
- Collins Big Cats books and e – books
- Cracking Comprehension
- Free choice Library books
- Pie Corbett Reading Spines
English Writing
- Literacy Counts Ready Steady Write
- Colourful Semantics
- ATT Way Spellings
- Kinetic Letters Handwriting
- No More Marking
- Grammarsaurus
- White Rose Maths
- Concrete/Pictoral/Abstract approach
- Third Space Four Operation Fluent in Five retrieval practise questions
- Tentown
- Purple Mash
Modern Foreign Languages
- Language Angels – KS2 Spanish
- Charanga
- Get Set for PE
- Jigsaw
- Votes for Schools
History, Geography & Science
Long term plans are developed to ensure that children are able to build upon prior learning, drawing on knowledge from previous year groups and topics and extending their thinking into new learning.
EYFS 2023 2024
Y1 2023 2024
Y2 2023 2024
Y3 2023 2024
Y4 2023 2024
Y5 2023 2024
Y6 2023 2024
Our curriculum, developed from early Years, also has an eye on the future for our children and GCSE syllabi. It ensures that pupils are prepared for their next stages and can transition with the necessary knowledge and skills to bring them success and raise attainment. The enrichment opportunities strive to broaden horizons and give children a taste of what their futures could hold.