At Star we pride ourselves on the implementation of British values throughout the academy. Fundamental British values are woven into our curriculum. Not only do we respect British values and believe in them, we actively promote them.
We strive to ensure that our pupils develop a strong sense of understanding about our country and the values that we hold dear. Our Star Values of Smart/safe, Tolerant, Ambitious and Resilient are intertwined with the British values to ensure a safe and stimulating environment in which to learn. We are proud of our character education and the development of our core character traits that we feel are important in the context of our academy and the community we serve. W.
The Department for Education states that there is a need:
“To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.
All pupils have the opportunity to make choices throughout the course of each school day. They are encouraged to reflect upon their choices and to express their opinions in the appropriate manner knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
Our Junior Leadership team work alongside our staff to ensure that the student voice is heard and has an impact on the day-to-day running of our school. Our Pupil Mental Health Leader (DSL) oversees these meetings and supports the children in creating a topical agenda. At Junior Leadership level the children discuss issues raised in their class and suggest ideas for ways to improve aspects of their school experience or help academy leaders to get a shared perspective. Pupils also have a voice when they complete the pupil questionnaires.
Examples of democracy in action in our academy:
•Junior Leadership Team– all democratically elected to encourage the children to become involved in the decision making process.
•Pupil questionnaires – allow children to become involved in the decision making process and ensures they are listened to.
•Pupil involvement in interviewing potential new staff – children understand that their voice is valued and they have a direct influence on decisions regarding their education.
•Links with local MPs and Councillors who visit the school and speak to the pupils – pupils have a broad knowledge of public institutions and services. They understand how public services operate and how they are held to account.
•Votes for Schools – allows children to understand current affairs, form opinons, share and listen to views and vote democratically
The Rule of Law
The Star Values within our academy are a positive and fair code by which we expect all students and staff to abide. The values are consistently enforced and reinforced, and through this we demonstrate the need for respect and reciprocity. They are our rules
In lessons and assemblies pupils are reminded of the need for structure and the positive impact the values have on our learning and personal development. This helps us to extend the thinking of our students to wider and more relevant national questions about the enforcement of laws, the fairness of the law and the way the Rule of Law has helped shape our society.
Alongside our views, on law we encourage the students to understand fairness and equality within the law, ensuring that they understand the moral implications of actions and paths chosen. We encourage questioning and reasoning across our curriculum lessons, using these foundations to further embed these ideals.
Examples of Rule of Law in action in our academy:
•Academy expectations– ensure rules and expectations are clear and fair. Helps children to understand right from wrong and the impact their behaviour has on those around them.
•Parent / carers questionnaires relating to behaviour, safety etc – parents are listened to and their views are fed into our behaviour policy to enable a rounded approach to behaviour management across the school
•Focus assemblies – e.g. school rules, parliament etc planned in to assembly timetable.
•Pupils have regular opportunities to reflect e.g. on their learning, their behaviour, during assemblies.
Individual Liberty
Star is proud of all of our students and recognise that each is unique; through collaboration and celebration of our differences we are able to achieve wonderful things and the students are encouraged to demonstrate their many wonderful talents. Many aspects of the Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum cover these matters.
There are many occasions when pupils are encouraged and given the freedom to make choices within their lessons and in relation to their participation in extra-curricular learning opportunities. Community visits and PHSE learning themes are just small ways that we provide children with opportunities to discuss their ideas, thoughts, feelings and understanding on all matters big and small.
Examples of Individual Liberty in action in our academy:
• Class debates/Pupil Voice – models freedom of speech through pupil participation, helping the children to understand that they make a difference.
•Star Values/ Behaviour Policy/Peer on Peer Abuse policy/Anti-bullying week/Classroom Charters/ – encourages children to take responsibility for their behaviour as well as understanding their rights. Such a robust approach to anti-bullying implements a strong anti-bullying culture where children feel safe and happy at Star.
•Class Dojo points and celebration assemblies support children to develop their self-esteem and self-confidence.
•R.E & PHSE curriculum through our LIFE scheme – Life in Modern Britain, Identity, faith and Emotional Well Being– encourages the children to challenge stereotypes.
•Competitive Sports opportunities – allowing children to strive to be the best, whilst promoting good sportsmanship and celebrating the achievements of others.
• Self and Teacher Assessment reviews – allows children to receive individual personalised feedback on their success during the term. This builds self-confidence and provides each child with a platform to talk openly with their teacher.
Mutual Respect
Our pupils are part of a vibrant and diverse setting where all cultures and personalities are treasured. We as a academy celebrate multicultural Britain, and ensure that our students are aware of, and enthusiastic about, the incredible range of culture and perspectives that our local area and nation has to offer. Our staff are encouraged to model this value to the highest degree, for the benefit of the students. Our curriculum is embedded with opportunities to admire and learn from different voices and viewpoints.
Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs
Our academy is based in a constantly changing area of cultural diversity, and our academy community reflects this. We promote and celebrate diversity with the children, helping them to understand their place in our society and how they can unite with others to build a progressive and understanding tomorrow.
Issues such as bullying, racism, gender inequality, tolerance, respect and prejudice are all dealt with in lessons and assemblies. Throughout our curriculum, students have opportunities to learn about and experience different cultures, from something as simple as cookery to larger looks at religion and different societal groups. Community visits and educational visits may have a specific purpose such as visiting different religious sites or experiencing different areas of London and Britain.
Examples of Mutual Respect & tolerance of those with different faiths & beliefs in action in our academy:
•R.E. curriculum/PHSCE/LIFE curriculum /Visits to a wide range of places of worship/ – helps children to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.
•Whole academy focus book weeks – help to show respect and communities
•Visitors from local community (E.g Food Bank) – helps build a mutual respect toward those in their local community who help others.
•Links with local faith communities and Cultural theme weeks (E.g. Diwali, Chinese New year)/Festival assembly celebrations (E.g. harvest) – encourages children to discuss differences between people, such as differences of faith. Children understand
•Pause for thought/Reflective thoughts in assembly – develops critical thinking skills.
At Star we actively challenge pupils, staff, parents, carers and other stakeholders who express opinions contrary to the fundamental British values detailed here, including any “extremist” views.